Top 5 live performances of 2010!

Adam here. After playing a bunch of shows this year (122 of ‘em, mostly w/ AM Taxi) and going out to see a handful of gigs here in Chicago, I tried to narrow it down to the best five. Not an easy task. I try not to ever forget, but these five groups reminded me that there is indeed a reason why we do what we do.
5. Architects - October 7, Double Door in Chicago
Hey man, sick of hearing the same thing show after show? Nothing feels real anymore? Does the scene got you down, man? Well, stop complaining, watch the Architects from Kansas City and your soul shall be healed! This band has always been incredible live and we’re looking forward to touring with them this January. They played Riot Fest this year; apparently AC/DC’s been shagging the Clash and they made a baby…aw.
4. The Hold Steady - November 19, Otto’s in DeKalb
I had just gotten home from a short tour w/ AM Taxi, but I wanted to pack up and leave again as soon as I saw Hold Steady’s set last month at Otto’s. I had been listening for years but never got to see them play. They always came around when I was out on the road. The group is fantastic and loud, and the front man is a cartoon with a mic and a way with words.
3. Company of Thieves - March 19, ES Jungle in Indianapolis
Sometimes the best part of being on tour is getting to watch a band you love perform night after night. They play “Fire Song”, I think it’s called, and it gets me every single time! Goosebumps and the hair on the arms stand straight up. So good.
2. Vic Ruggiero & Band - December 4, The Lake in Brooklyn
I was on the road w/ Deals a few weeks ago. The “club” in Brooklyn was this dark speakeasy, flop house, rehearsal space, bar type place w/ a DJ spinning old ska 45‘s. Vic and two of the Slackers were there playing as a power trio. They did covers of the Sonics, Dion and the Belmonts as well as punked out Slackers songs. “Let’s try to remember how fun this was and maybe do it again sometime.” I hope so.
1. Larry and His Flask - August 10, Backstage at the San Diego Warped Tour
The people running Warped Tour took care of the bands. They gave us beer, dance parties and even delicious ice cream! But the best thing they ever gave us was Larry and his Flask. The guys set up after the show by the tour buses; 6 dudes, no PA system, no amps, no mics. Nothing but the real thing. Unbelievable! They did it again in Pomona and someone filmed it:

You got a top five? Share with us here or at The video is alright but you need to see it live to really get it.

November 2010 - Notes from the Road (Part Three)

Saturday, November 13
Boston, MA
TT the Bear's Place

3:45 PM at a hotel, lucky to have good friends...

We've set up camp here for the next few days. Two shows in Boston and the first is sold out already. The people here are into Lawrence Arms. Good start.

We played Manchester, NH last night. It was alright, but felt small after Philadelphia and the two Brooklyn shows. The folks there are great. Although, they warned us not to go outside. We threw darts with White Wives and got a little over served at the bar.

Talked to Toby and Brendan from the Lawrence Arms gang for a bit about the Television smash hit series "Golden Girls".

"This is the first time you've come out of your shell in three days... and it took "Golden Girls" to do it?" - Brendan.

Time to clean up a bit and head to the gig.

Boston Night one set:

Dead Street
Paper Covers Rock
Stepping Stone
Shake/Aint too Proud to Beg
Fed Up

Sunday, November 14
Boston, MA
TT the Bear's Place

11:30 AM at the same hotel as yesterday...

This place is something else. Last night was the first of two shows here in Boston at TT's. It was an early show but it was sold out and I think the entire place was smashed by 8 PM. Played some pool with White Wives and found some great vintage looking postcards and magazines from a shop across the street. Chris thought he was a breakdancer and John thought he was British.

I also found out that French toast and soup at the Middle East is a great way to start your day if your day starts at 4.

I had more fun playing last night than I've had in a long, long time. Really comfortable. I have a feeling tonight wont be as good. It's the same club and the same crew, but it's Sunday and people tend to hold back.

Monday, November 15
Baltimore, MD
The Sidebar

7 PM in the Van...

We got up to leave around 9 this morning to find out some creep got into our van and jacked Phil's GPS. This sort of thing seems to happen to us all the time. They didn't take the radio, John's computer or the Boom Box though ... Just the GPS ... and a hat ... and some gloves. So if you see somebody who has gloves, a fedora and really good sense of direction, that's our guy.

I was wrong when I said the Sunday show would be the slower of the two in Boston. It turned out to be just packed and although the web page fucked up the set times, we had a few people singing along. We made some great friends and met up with our pals that play/played in Far From Finished, a band we spent the summer with on Warped.

Check out the Two Nights in Boston Video!!

We had to say "adios" to the Lawrence Arms. It's just us and White Wives for the last two shows. That means smaller rooms and smaller turn out.

Gotta go. Happy hour at the Sidebar.

Thursday, November 18

Back home...

The last two shows were us, White Wives and locals. In Baltimore, we played for the smallest bunch ever but it was the most fun. Just drag the mic stand off the stage and hang out with 'em. Why not?

The opener was Head Home. Local. Check them out. One of our coolest friends in Baltimore turned up with a replacement GPS for the van and smokes. Hallelujah! She knows the way to our hearts!

The three person staff were polite but they had just about enough of us by the end of the night.

Last stop; Lemoyne, PA! The Champion Ship, or Champs, is a cool all ages DIY kinda joint. Another small crowd but they knew the words, most of 'em. We should get back around there soon.

Gonna miss White Wives. Can't wait for everyone to get to hear them.

Sunday, November 21
Chicago, IL

Back home...

Nothing beats the hometown show, especially if your home is Chicago. The club was sold out, over sold really. We picked the line up; The Frantic, The Scissors and The Run Around and we blasted records from bands like The Clash and Richard Hell between sets.

I don't know if we sounded any good, but we had a fun time and everyone sang along. I thought the balcony would collapse. Never seen so many people up there. Can't wait to do it again on New Year's Eve.

Dead Street
Paper Covers Rock
White Man in Hammersmith Palais
Reckless Ways
Stepping Stone
Fed Up
The Mistake

We got called back out, so we did Champagne Toast and Paint it Black

November 2010 - Notes from the Road (Part Two)

Thursday, November 11, 2010
Brooklyn, NY
The Knitting Factory

In the van, before the gig...

The guys have gone off to find food, things are quiet in here for a change. Good times last night in Philadelphia, indeed! The Lawrence Arms are hilarious and they seem to like to drink, so I think we'll get along just fine. They are tight and have a super devoted following. White Wives were fantastic as always. I can't wait for everyone else to get to hear them.

After the show, we hung around with some local music fans and eventually made it out to another part of town. We went to my favorite place in Philadelphia: Ray's Happy Birthday Bar. Some of the other guys went to duke it out between Geno's and Pats. I think Geno's won this time.

We have two shows tonight here in Brooklyn. Both are sold out. This should be interesting!

Early Set:

Paper Covers Rock
Dead Street
Fed Up
Paint it Black

Late Set:

Dead Street
Paper Covers Rock
White Man in Hammersmith Palais
Fed Up

Friday, November 12
Manchester, NH

In the van, on the way to the gig...

Subway really hit the spot. Not feeling as hungover as I should right now. Things were on fire in Brooklyn last night! Two sold out shows last night with White Wives and The Lawrence Arms headlining.

I was surprised to find the attendees enthusiastic and interested. You don't always get that in "too cool" town. We were slightly intoxicated by the second set, but it loosened us up in a good way.

As expected, nobody from Virgin/EMI showed their faces...nobody except for good old Alex and the company credit card! Solid guy. Also ran into Kevin from back home, Tim from Ludo, folks from Warped and a few old friends. Miami Tony was there and after a few drinks, decided he should buy one of every item at the restaurant across the street.

Lost my phone, found my phone, Rocko's in 60 miles...peace.

November 2010 - Notes From the Road (Part Uno)

Sunday, November 7, 2010
Cleveland, OH
Pirates Cove

At a hotel after the gig...

The longest day i've seen in a while. No complaints though. Last night, after a bit of a soiree in Bucktown, i ended up back home, drinking and packing for this tour until about 4 AM. The best thing i have with me now is a big boom box with cassette and AM/FM radio from the early 1980's. It was supplied to me by local drinking pal, Jerry. I spent all day yesterday making mix tapes of rock & roll, reggae and soul. The guys think this is funny because they brought their little iPods and things and I'm lugging this huge box everywhere.

We left Chicago at 7 this morning and drove 7 hours or so to get here. Luke is wearing an eye patch cos his eye's infected not because the joint's called Pirate's Cove. Funny.

Before the show, we enetertain the nice bar tender and sound guy by stuffing Busse into a road case and locking the lid. The thing was suprisingly soundproof.

These first two gigs are gonna be on the small side. Tonight's was small and sloppy, but we were all just excited to be playing again for the first time in 5 weeks.

After the gig, I hung out in the van listening to Steven Van Zandt interview Keith Richards and got caught up with a girl i haven't hung out with in ages.

Time for night cap and rest.

Monday, November 8th
Columbus, OH
The Basement

Backstage before we our set...

White Wives are on stage right now and they're fantastic and hilarious, not taking themselves too seriously and at the same time, playing their hearts out. There are only 30 people here so far and I don't even know who'll stick around for us. First real "dud" we've had in a while, but i've said that before and it turned out to great.

Shirock from TN played before Wives, going places? The first band didn't even show up and i don't blame them. Gonna try a new Clash cover if we don't get too tipsy.

Day off tomorrow, sorta. Drive day. Might meet up with Hearset later at a hotel or bar. Time to smoke and warm up.

Columbus Set:

The Mistake
Paper Covers Rock
White Man in Hammersmith Palais
Fed Up
Dead Street

Wednesday, November 10
Philadelphia, PA
North Star Bar

On South Street with time to kill...

First of all, I was wrong about Columbus being a "dud" gig. It turned out to be a ton of fun even with the low attendance. We hung out with White Wives and some nice music fans before going back to a hotel to drink, jam tapes on the boom box and watch the hilarious premier of Conan.

Went to Jim's for cheesesteaks and then to Repo Records, but they didn't have any cassettes for the box.

At the club...

I remember this place! Friendly sound guy and staff. The Lawrence Arms are now with us and headlining the tour. That means the rooms will be sold out for the next few nights. Tony Gil is buying me a beer and I have nothing in the world to complain about right now excpet that I couldn't get to the radio station to say "hi" to Gordon and play "Paint it Black"

Set at the North Star:

The Mistake
Paper Covers Rock
Dead Street
Fed Up
Paint it Black

Warped Update ... The Sunshine Bores the Daylights Out of Me

Adam Krier
Writing Postcards to Dead Rock Stars

Dear Roy Orbison,

Greetings from summer camp! I write to you this time regarding “The Spirit of Rock & Roll”. Some say it’s lost. It ain’t lost, it’s just not always where it used to be:

Sometimes loud-mouthed, sometimes furious, occasionally rude and always on fire. Intractable are the youth who wave their fists and bark along. The kids are pissed and they mean it, man. Wait, no, they’re not pissed - they want to dance. No, no, now they want to screw or scream or tweet or something. At any rate, they’ve all shown up here to escape life for a tic while sweating it out in God-knows-what Fahrenheit . This parking lot is the combat zone as well as the playground. Summer’s here and the time is right for growling in the streets. Expensive jeans, neon rage, exuberant and coated with slogans like “balls deep”. Yeah, I don’t like it either. But would we really want it any other way? I mean, it’s the youth, the rebellion. It’s the brand new dance, and American Bandstand, it ain’t. Like it or not, at least for the time being, this is what we’re dealing with. I say let ‘em have it … for now. Welcome to the Vans seven ring circus you call Warped Tour.

Previously bound exclusively to its punk rock reputation, the Vans Warped Tour has been broadening its horizons over the years to include everything from bluesy folk singers to screaming teenagers who play disco metal. Although not all of us are thrilled about the latter, we have to except that the times they are a changing and new trends are gonna come along. We don’t always like or understand these new sounds and fashions that turn up, but we have to respect the fact that this, for the time being, is fueling the fire for a large percent of the young music lovers out there. Underneath it all, the principles are somehow still the same. Whether it’s in disguise or in your face, the spirit of rock & roll is still in attendance and it’s foaming at the mouth.

Don’t get me wrong Roy, I’m having the time of my life out here ,and there are plenty of great bands to watch every day on this tour. I just wish more people were checking them out . It’s interesting, some of the older folks are finding their fix. They too need the therapy - some more than others. Aimless and as derailed as any teenage freight train, the old timers know that when the smoke clears (and the smoke always clears) the tried and true will still be standing.

Here’s to seeing that happen sooner rather than later. In the mean time, we’ll be alright. Turn up The Gamblers, The Souls, and The Big Damn Band. It’s Warped tour and it’s a hell of a way to spend the summer.

Tell Moonie I said happy birthday, and say “hi” to Dee Dee and the boys for me.

Warmest Regards,
Adam Krier
P.S. send beer.

Coming home from Warped Tour soon & doing an important Chicago Show...

Something like 41 shows down so far and 3 more to go out here on the Vans Warped Tour. This summer tour has been unlike any tour i've ever been a part of. I can't wait to tell ya all about it. It feels great to have a new CD out and a chance to spread the word about it.

We get home next week just in time to play one of our favorite Chicago club's: The Double Door! This isnt just any gig though. We, along with some of Chicago's best bands, are playing to raise money for Mathew from Madina Lake who was seriously hurt last month while trying to help out a women getting assaulted on the street. He's a brave and talented guy who needs some help right now. So join us next Saturday, Aug 21. I'm really proud of the way the Chicago scene is coming together to help out on this and we are honered to be a part of it.

Please join us for this GREAT cause! Tix:

JUN 20,2010

Well, we have departed for Warped Tour. Packed up all our gear this morning, met our bus driver, and we're heading to Des Moines, OH for our first part of the trip to Los Angeles. Warped Tour will go from June 25 till Aug 15, so we're in for a long haul and really excited. My buddy Craig loaned me a bike so I've got some wheels to get around for the summer parking lots. heat and rock'n'roll. Thanks Craig! So far Luke has claimed the couch for his first of many to days to come playing X-Box. Busse has joined him and it looks like he's getting his ass kicked. I think John, Chris, Adam and Phil we're up till 7am so theyza restin. And me, well I'm writing to you :) I'll be writing in everyday, 2 days or 4.5 days, so me and the gang hope you enjoy our tour stories. Oh, here's the list of dates so you can see when we're in your town.

Jason-AM Taxi