Coming home from Warped Tour soon & doing an important Chicago Show...

Something like 41 shows down so far and 3 more to go out here on the Vans Warped Tour. This summer tour has been unlike any tour i've ever been a part of. I can't wait to tell ya all about it. It feels great to have a new CD out and a chance to spread the word about it.

We get home next week just in time to play one of our favorite Chicago club's: The Double Door! This isnt just any gig though. We, along with some of Chicago's best bands, are playing to raise money for Mathew from Madina Lake who was seriously hurt last month while trying to help out a women getting assaulted on the street. He's a brave and talented guy who needs some help right now. So join us next Saturday, Aug 21. I'm really proud of the way the Chicago scene is coming together to help out on this and we are honered to be a part of it.

Please join us for this GREAT cause! Tix:

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