November 2010 - Notes from the Road (Part Three)

Saturday, November 13
Boston, MA
TT the Bear's Place

3:45 PM at a hotel, lucky to have good friends...

We've set up camp here for the next few days. Two shows in Boston and the first is sold out already. The people here are into Lawrence Arms. Good start.

We played Manchester, NH last night. It was alright, but felt small after Philadelphia and the two Brooklyn shows. The folks there are great. Although, they warned us not to go outside. We threw darts with White Wives and got a little over served at the bar.

Talked to Toby and Brendan from the Lawrence Arms gang for a bit about the Television smash hit series "Golden Girls".

"This is the first time you've come out of your shell in three days... and it took "Golden Girls" to do it?" - Brendan.

Time to clean up a bit and head to the gig.

Boston Night one set:

Dead Street
Paper Covers Rock
Stepping Stone
Shake/Aint too Proud to Beg
Fed Up

Sunday, November 14
Boston, MA
TT the Bear's Place

11:30 AM at the same hotel as yesterday...

This place is something else. Last night was the first of two shows here in Boston at TT's. It was an early show but it was sold out and I think the entire place was smashed by 8 PM. Played some pool with White Wives and found some great vintage looking postcards and magazines from a shop across the street. Chris thought he was a breakdancer and John thought he was British.

I also found out that French toast and soup at the Middle East is a great way to start your day if your day starts at 4.

I had more fun playing last night than I've had in a long, long time. Really comfortable. I have a feeling tonight wont be as good. It's the same club and the same crew, but it's Sunday and people tend to hold back.

Monday, November 15
Baltimore, MD
The Sidebar

7 PM in the Van...

We got up to leave around 9 this morning to find out some creep got into our van and jacked Phil's GPS. This sort of thing seems to happen to us all the time. They didn't take the radio, John's computer or the Boom Box though ... Just the GPS ... and a hat ... and some gloves. So if you see somebody who has gloves, a fedora and really good sense of direction, that's our guy.

I was wrong when I said the Sunday show would be the slower of the two in Boston. It turned out to be just packed and although the web page fucked up the set times, we had a few people singing along. We made some great friends and met up with our pals that play/played in Far From Finished, a band we spent the summer with on Warped.

Check out the Two Nights in Boston Video!!

We had to say "adios" to the Lawrence Arms. It's just us and White Wives for the last two shows. That means smaller rooms and smaller turn out.

Gotta go. Happy hour at the Sidebar.

Thursday, November 18

Back home...

The last two shows were us, White Wives and locals. In Baltimore, we played for the smallest bunch ever but it was the most fun. Just drag the mic stand off the stage and hang out with 'em. Why not?

The opener was Head Home. Local. Check them out. One of our coolest friends in Baltimore turned up with a replacement GPS for the van and smokes. Hallelujah! She knows the way to our hearts!

The three person staff were polite but they had just about enough of us by the end of the night.

Last stop; Lemoyne, PA! The Champion Ship, or Champs, is a cool all ages DIY kinda joint. Another small crowd but they knew the words, most of 'em. We should get back around there soon.

Gonna miss White Wives. Can't wait for everyone to get to hear them.

Sunday, November 21
Chicago, IL

Back home...

Nothing beats the hometown show, especially if your home is Chicago. The club was sold out, over sold really. We picked the line up; The Frantic, The Scissors and The Run Around and we blasted records from bands like The Clash and Richard Hell between sets.

I don't know if we sounded any good, but we had a fun time and everyone sang along. I thought the balcony would collapse. Never seen so many people up there. Can't wait to do it again on New Year's Eve.

Dead Street
Paper Covers Rock
White Man in Hammersmith Palais
Reckless Ways
Stepping Stone
Fed Up
The Mistake

We got called back out, so we did Champagne Toast and Paint it Black

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