Sunday, November 7, 2010
Cleveland, OH
Pirates Cove
At a hotel after the gig...
The longest day i've seen in a while. No complaints though. Last night, after a bit of a soiree in Bucktown, i ended up back home, drinking and packing for this tour until about 4 AM. The best thing i have with me now is a big boom box with cassette and AM/FM radio from the early 1980's. It was supplied to me by local drinking pal, Jerry. I spent all day yesterday making mix tapes of rock & roll, reggae and soul. The guys think this is funny because they brought their little iPods and things and I'm lugging this huge box everywhere.
We left Chicago at 7 this morning and drove 7 hours or so to get here. Luke is wearing an eye patch cos his eye's infected not because the joint's called Pirate's Cove. Funny.
Before the show, we enetertain the nice bar tender and sound guy by stuffing Busse into a road case and locking the lid. The thing was suprisingly soundproof.
These first two gigs are gonna be on the small side. Tonight's was small and sloppy, but we were all just excited to be playing again for the first time in 5 weeks.
After the gig, I hung out in the van listening to Steven Van Zandt interview Keith Richards and got caught up with a girl i haven't hung out with in ages.
Time for night cap and rest.
Monday, November 8th
Columbus, OH
The Basement
Backstage before we our set...
White Wives are on stage right now and they're fantastic and hilarious, not taking themselves too seriously and at the same time, playing their hearts out. There are only 30 people here so far and I don't even know who'll stick around for us. First real "dud" we've had in a while, but i've said that before and it turned out to great.
Shirock from TN played before Wives, going places? The first band didn't even show up and i don't blame them. Gonna try a new Clash cover if we don't get too tipsy.
Day off tomorrow, sorta. Drive day. Might meet up with Hearset later at a hotel or bar. Time to smoke and warm up.
Columbus Set:
The Mistake
Paper Covers Rock
White Man in Hammersmith Palais
Fed Up
Dead Street
Wednesday, November 10
Philadelphia, PA
North Star Bar
On South Street with time to kill...
First of all, I was wrong about Columbus being a "dud" gig. It turned out to be a ton of fun even with the low attendance. We hung out with White Wives and some nice music fans before going back to a hotel to drink, jam tapes on the boom box and watch the hilarious premier of Conan.
Went to Jim's for cheesesteaks and then to Repo Records, but they didn't have any cassettes for the box.
At the club...
I remember this place! Friendly sound guy and staff. The Lawrence Arms are now with us and headlining the tour. That means the rooms will be sold out for the next few nights. Tony Gil is buying me a beer and I have nothing in the world to complain about right now excpet that I couldn't get to the radio station to say "hi" to Gordon and play "Paint it Black"
Set at the North Star:
The Mistake
Paper Covers Rock
Dead Street
Fed Up
Paint it Black
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