AM TAXI as THE CLASH - 15th Annual Halloween Bash - Chicago, IL at Double Door

Oct 29, 2011 - Double Doors 15th Annual Halloween Bash Welcomes
-AM TAXI as The Clash
-The Last Vegas as The Runaways
-Blackbox as Stone Temple Pilots
-Dorian Taj as Bob Dylan
-Hessler as Judas Priest

We are honored to be asked to perform as The Clash as they are one of our favorite bands of all time.

This show will be streaming Live @ GigTV.TV
21+ Doors @ 9:00

Thank You JBTV

The very cool folks at JBTV have thrown together another AM Taxi episode w/ footage they didnt use the first time around. We talk about Back to the Future and playing rock music, so ya know its alright!